Thursday, August 18, 2022

No LMS? No Worries!

Infiniscope Presents: Enrollment 101

Welcome back! 

The new school year is upon us and based on our quick poll in the Facebook Hivespace, we see some of you are feeling a bit ho-hum about it. Not to worry! We are here to support you. Today's topic is all about the Enrollment feature on Infiniscope. Not just ANY enrollment feature, but the one you can use even if you DON'T have an LMS like Canvas, Moodle, or Blackboard. 
Jack Sparrow representing Teachers and running away from people titled Back to School reminders

We built something called LMS-free, specifically for educators without an LMS. We want to show you how it all works, so make sure you bookmark this page for quick reference!

Below you will find a series of steps, a few 🔥HOT TIPS🔥 to help you out and maybe a couple of subtle (not so subtle?) jokes. Before we dive in, we admittedly are making a couple of assumptions, such as

    1. you already have an Infiniscope account
    2. you know how to login
    3. you know how to find a lesson page through the view educator resources button

If you are missing any of this know-how, check back soon for other blog posts on these topics. 

To begin your LMS-free enrollment journey, select a lesson and open the lesson resources page. Once on the lesson resource landing page, scroll to the bottom to find these 3 ways to teach:

1. Choose "Enroll to get started".

2. Choose the first button "I don't have an LMS or I use Google Classroom."


3. Set up your course section by adding a TitleStart date and End date.